Heaphy Track to Karamea

KARAMEA MOTORS/EXPRESS LTD 03 7826 757 | 027 7826 757, info@karamea-express.co.nz
On demand taxi/minibus service available at all times to/from Heaphy Track. Including bike transfers.

TRIPS AND TRANSFERS - NELSON LAKES AND BEYOND 022 615 4915, www.tripsandtransfers.co.nz

Trips and Transfers offers bespoke transportation for small groups around the Top of the South. Transfers to and from Kohaihai, Paparoa, Lewis Pass, Nelson, Blenhiem and Picton. Stops for comfort and photos along the way.

email:  kiaora@tripsandtransfers.co.nz

THE HEAPHY BUS 0800 128 735, 03 540 2042, www.theheaphybus.co.nz
Discounted return fares for individuals or groups to and from both ends of the Heaphy and Wangapeka Tracks (Nelson & West Coast ends) Luggage transported.  After mid- November, leaving the Kohaihai for Nelson at 1.15, Karamea at 1.30, and Westport at 3.30

ABEL TASMAN COACHLINES 03 548 0285, 027 554 606
Collingwood to Nelson

On demand service to end of Heaphy Track

SOMERSET HOUSE 03 5248 624, cjledger@actrix.co.nz
Car service to and from Browns Hut to Collingwood and/or Takaka. We also offer comfortable quality BBH accommodation in Collingwood.

NELSON LAKES SHUTTLES 03 5211 900, info@nelsonlakesshuttles.co.nz
Transport to both ends of track. Will service all tracks in Nelson area.

Wangapeka Track

KARAMEA MOTORS/EXPRESS LTD 03 7826 757, 03 7826 718, info@karamea-express.co.nz
Wangapeka to Karamea. On demand taxi Rentals & charters available; obligation free quotes to Westport, Motueka, Nelson, Takaka, Picton and beyond.

THE HEAPHY BUS 0800 128 735, 03 540 2042, www.theheaphybus.co.nz
Discounted return fares for individuals or groups to and from both ends of the Heaphy and Wangapeka Tracks (Nelson & West Coast ends) Luggage transported.After mid- November, leaving the Kohaihai for Nelson at 1.15, Karamea at 1.30, and Westport at 3.30

Leslie / Karamea Track

KARAMEA MOTOR/EXPRESS LTD 03 7826 757, 03 7826 718, 03 7826 652, 03 7826 800, info@karamea-express.co.nz
Wangapeka to Karamea. On demand taxi.

Air Transport

HELICOPTER CHARTER KARAMEA  With two helicopters and a wealth of knowledge we have something to suit both your needs and your budget. Our helicopters are the fastest and most exciting way to access the vast wilderness of the Kahurangi National Park . Heaphy Track heli- shuttles a specialty. One day walks , scenic flights, hunting, fishing and more!

80 Aerodrome Road, Karamea.

ph/fax: 027 490 6001

SOUNDS AIR Heaphy/Wangapeka Track transfers. Sounds Air also offer scheduled flights across Cook Strait, numerous scenic flight options and nationwide charter. Aircraft available with 3-12 seats.
freephone:  0800 505 005
phone: 03 5478175

GOLDEN BAY AIR LIMITED Complete air and ground Heaphy Track transport between Wellington, Nelson, Takaka and Karamea for walkers and bikers. Scheduled and on demand. Year round.
freephone: 0800 588 885
phone: 03 525 8725
fax: 03 525 8726